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Rental Market Returning to Pre-Pandemic Trends

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Rent prices have slowed, with October being the 2nd consecutive month of declines in the national median rent price, reaching $1.9K.Asking rents ↓ in 3 of the last 6-mo, indicating a return to seasonal trends seen before the pandemic.

LA Mansions Turn to High-Value Rentals

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Home sales in Los Angeles ↓ 26.6% due to soaring mortgage rates. Luxury listings priced at $13.2M linger for 73 days on avg. Labor strife in the entertainment industry disrupts productions that often utilize high-end rental properties.

Which 3 Cities Are at Climate-Linked Home Construction Risk?

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1.California grapples with the risk of wildfires and housing development in high-threat zones. 2.Arizona faces water scarcity and growth demands, forcing decisions on where to build homes. 3. New Jersey, densely populated and flood-prone, has shown success in limiting construction in high-risk areas for flood protection.

Tras una fuerte caída en agosto, se recupera la venta de casas nuevas

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En octubre de 2023, 759.000 propiedades cambiaron de manos, una cifra inferior al promedio de 820.000 en 2020. Los datos superaron las expectativas de 683.000 unidades vendidas. La mediana de precios bajó a 418.000 dólares, mientras que el precio promedio disminuyó a 503.900. La tasa de créditos a 30 años alcanzó 7,63%, un máximo desde fin Continue to full article

Is Beverly Hills a good place to raise a family?

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Beverly Hills offers exceptional schools and a safe environment for families, but the high cost of living and emphasis on material wealth are drawbacks. Affordable housing options are limited. The city provides family-friendly activities and has highly regarded public schools. Ultimately, the decision to raise a family in Beverly Hills depends on individual priorities and financial circumstances. Continue to full article

Los peligros a los que se enfrenta el mercado inmobiliario en EE. UU.: ¿cuáles son?

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The high interest rates of the Federal Reserve have impacted the housing market in the United States, making it difficult for first-time buyers. The residential and commercial sectors are affected differently, with the residential market stabilizing due to a surge in new home sales despite a shortage of old properties. The commercial sector is struggling with low occupancy rates due to remote work, and the rise in interest rates is… Read More »Los peligros a los que se enfrenta el mercado inmobiliario en EE. UU.: ¿cuáles son?

El impacto de la inflación en el estilo de vida estadounidense

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El aumento de la inflación en Estados Unidos ha llevado a inversores y expertos financieros a reevaluar sus estrategias. Según Kevin O'Leary, este ambiente inflacionario reducirá el tamaño de vida en América, con casas y autos más pequeños y costosos. Sugiere ajustes como reducir el tamaño, presupuestar sabiamente e invertir en activos resistentes a la inflación, como bienes raíces, para proteger el poder adquisitivo. Continue to full article

Is it worth living in Beverly Hills?

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Beverly Hills is known for its luxury and glamour, with a prime location in Los Angeles. It offers excellent public services, a vibrant community, and access to high-end amenities. However, the high cost of living and traffic congestion may deter some. Ultimately, the decision to live in Beverly Hills depends on personal preferences and financial capabilities. Continue to full article

Why is it so expensive to live in Beverly Hills?

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Beverly Hills is expensive due to its prime location, prestige, strict zoning laws, and top-notch amenities. The average cost of housing is among the highest in the nation, with limited affordable options. Despite the high cost, living in Beverly Hills offers a luxurious lifestyle and exclusivity. Continue to full article

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